Francisca Stoecklin (1894-1931)
Laß dich wieder, und immer wieder
mit meinen Worten umarmen.
Laß sie um dich legen,
wie du um mich hüllst
den Mantel,
wenn wir an kühlen Herbstabenden
über die Felder gehn,
wo sich die Nebel
silbern schon senken,
und der Wind die Gräser bewegt.
Ziellos irrte ich
auf der großen Erde,
bedrängt und verführt
von Dunklem
und schillernden Sünden.
Da gingst du auf
meines Schicksals Sonne.
Dein Licht milderte
alles Harte und Schwere,
verinnigte jede Lebensstunde,
alle Wesen und Dinge,
Schmerzen und Seligkeit.
Denn du einst
die Zartheit der Freundin
mit des Jünglings
beschützender Kraft.
Lächelnde Blume bist du
und weisende Fackel.
- Und dein Mund sagt,
daß auch ich Schwache
dir schön bin.
Louise Glück
Interesting how we fall in love:
In my case, absolutely. Absolutely, and, alas, often--
so it was in my youth.
And always with rather boyish men--
unformed, sullen, or shyly kicking the dead leaves:
in the manner of Balanchine.
Nor did I see them as versions of the same thing.
I, with my inflexible Platonism,
my fierce seeing of only one thing at a time:
I ruled against the indefinite article.
And yet, the mistakes of my youth
made me hopeless, because they repeated themselves,
as is commonly true.
But in you I felt something beyond the archetype--
a true expansiveness, a buoyance and love of the earth
utterly alien to my nature. To my credit,
I blessed my good fortune in you.
Blessed it absolutely, in the manner of those years.
And you in your wisdom and cruelty
gradually taught me the meaninglessness of that term.
In my case, absolutely. Absolutely, and, alas, often--
so it was in my youth.
And always with rather boyish men--
unformed, sullen, or shyly kicking the dead leaves:
in the manner of Balanchine.
Nor did I see them as versions of the same thing.
I, with my inflexible Platonism,
my fierce seeing of only one thing at a time:
I ruled against the indefinite article.
And yet, the mistakes of my youth
made me hopeless, because they repeated themselves,
as is commonly true.
But in you I felt something beyond the archetype--
a true expansiveness, a buoyance and love of the earth
utterly alien to my nature. To my credit,
I blessed my good fortune in you.
Blessed it absolutely, in the manner of those years.
And you in your wisdom and cruelty
gradually taught me the meaninglessness of that term.
From Vita Nova
(Ecco Press, 1999)
(Ecco Press, 1999)
- Louise Glück "The Wild Iris"
- Mehr Gedichte von Francisca Stoecklin sind hier zu lesen.
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