27. Juni 2009

Chicago Poetry Tour

Sehr interessante Tour durch Chicago bietet die Poetry Foundation:
"Gwendolyn Brooks’s neighborhood library. Union Stock Yards, where Chicago became Carl Sandburg’s “Hog Butcher for the World.” The Green Mill, home of slam poetry. Maxwell Street and Chess Records, inspirations for bluesy poets. Haymarket Square, memorial to the labor movement.
The Chicago Poetry Tour, produced by the Poetry Foundation, is a chance to explore the history of the city through poetry. The online version of the tour features archival and contemporary recordings of poets and scholars, local music, and historic photographs. You can take the tour in numbered order, starting downtown, or jump around from neighborhood to neighborhood.(...)" weiter lesen

Auf der Webseite dieses Rundganges gibt es auch die Möglichkeit, kulturelle Chicago-Spaziergänge auf Mp3-Player runterzuladen und damit durch die Stadt zu wandern.
Hier fängt die virtuelle Tour an.

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